Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Professor Ajit C. Tamhane
Northwestern University
Tree-Structured Gatekeeping Procedures
Abstract: This talk is in two parts. Part I will give a brief introduction to multiple comparison procedures to provide the necessary background for Part II which is the main topic. For brevity and simplicity, we shall restrict to procedures based on p-values only.
Parallel and serial gatekeeping procedures have been recently proposed (Westfall and Krishen 2001, and Dmitrienko, Offen and Westfall 2003) for testing hierarchically ordered families of hypotheses. We generalize these procedures to what we call tree-structured gatekeeping procedures. This generalization is necessary to deal with problems involving hierarchically ordered multiple objectives subject to logical restrictions, e.g., in the analysis of multiple endpoints in dose-control studies and in superiority-equivalence testing. The proposed approach is based on the closure principle of Marcus, Peritz and Gabriel (1976) and uses weighted Bonferroni tests for intersection hypotheses. In special cases of parallel or serial tree structures the closed testing procedure can be shown to be equivalent to stepwise procedures, which are easy to implement. Two illustrative clinical trial examples are given.
Note: This work is joint with Alex Dmitrienko, Brian Wiens and Xin Wang, and is based on a paper that has recently appeared in Statistics in Medicine.
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