Combinatorics Seminar

Lujia Wang
The number of triple systems without even cycles
Abstract: For $k \ge 3$, a loose $k$-cycle $C_k$ is a hypergraph with distinct edges $e_1, e_2, \ldots, e_k$ such that consecutive edges (modulo $k$) intersect in exactly one vertex and all other pairs of edges are disjoint. Our main result is that for every $l \ge 2$, there exists $c>0$ such that the number of triple systems (3-uniform hypergraphs) with vertex set $[n]$ containing no $C_{2l}$ is at most $2^{cn^2}$. An easy construction shows that the exponent is sharp in order of magnitude. This extends the work of Morris and Saxton, who proved the analogous result for graphs which was a longstanding problem.
We will give a sketch of the proof, which is different than that used for most recent results about enumerating discrete structures. It contains some novel ingredients such as the use of some quantitative estimates for an asymmetric version of the bipartite canonical Ramsey theorem and the Turan problem for cycles modulo k in graphs. We will also talk about some result for hypergraphs with larger uniformity that we obtained using the same proof.
This is a joint work with Dhruv Mubayi.
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