Number Theory Seminar

Bharathwaj Palvannan
University of Pennsylvania
Codimension two cycles in Iwasawa theory and elliptic curves with supersingular reduction
Abstract: A recent paper of Bleher, Chinburg, Greenberg, Kakde, Pappas, Sharifi and Taylor has initiated the topic of higher codimension Iwasawa theory. As a generalization of the classical Iwasawa main conjecture, they prove a relationship between analytic objects (two Katz's 2-variable p-adic L-functions) and algebraic objects (two ``everywhere unramified'' Iwasawa modules) involving codimension two cycles. The talk will describe an analogous result by considering the restriction, to an imaginary quadratic field K where a prime p splits, of an elliptic curve E defined over Q with good supersingular reduction at p. This is joint work with Antonio Lei.
Friday May 4, 2018 at 11:00 AM in SEO 612
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