Departmental Colloquium

Nicholas Jackiw
Chief Technology Officer, KCP Technologies
External and Internal Perspectives on Dynamic Geometry Software
Abstract: In considering the geometric figure, Kant distinguishes between image -- the traditional visual diagram -- and schemata, the generalized concept of that diagram that "never exist anywhere except in thought." Dynamic Geometry figures produced by software such as The Geometer's Sketchpad bridge this divide through flexible, "rubbery" diagrams that (under manipulation) transform into any valid realization of their defining geometric constraints, but at any instant retain the immediacy and tangibility of specific images. In this talk, Sketchpad's author explores the implications of Dynamic Geometry visualization on mathematical inquiry and pedagogic practice in the context of school (6-12) mathematics, and describes implementation concerns in the design and development of Dynamic Geometry software.
Nicholas Jackiw is the original designer and developer of The Geometer's Sketchpad, and educational software environment for the creation, visualization, exploration, and analysis of mathematical models. Sketchpad is a rare example of effective educational software which has made a successful transition from academic research lab to widespread commercial impact. He began work on the software as an undergraduate at Swarthmore College, where he was part of the NSF-funded Visual Geometry Project. Presently, he serves as the Chief Technology Officer of KCP Technologies, the software affiliate of Key Curriculum Press. In addition to designing software and directing the project's programming staff, he is active in pre-service and in-service professional development, conducting workshops and institutes across the country; and has overseen the program's translation into more than a dozen languages. He leads a number of NSF software research projects n Principle Investigator or Senior Researcher capacities, and is a frequently invited lecturer to schools, software and geometry conferences, and meetings of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. If you would like to meet with Nicholas Jackiw, please contact Phil Wagreich (
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