Algebraic K-Theory Seminar

Joel Stapleton
Computing $K(\mathbb{F}_p[x]/(x^2), (x))$ and $K(\mathbb{Q}[x]/(x^2), (x)) \otimes H\mathbb{Q}$
Abstract: This is a practice talk for the upcoming European Talbot conference. Using Dundas-Goodwillie-McCarthy, we compute $K(\mathbb{F}_p[x]/(x^2), (x))$ and $K(\mathbb{Q}[x]/(x^2), (x)) \otimes H\mathbb{Q}$ by performing topological cyclic homology and cyclic homology computations, respectively. The first computation follows recent work by Martin Speirs and the second uses a filtration of negative cyclic homology by derived de Rham cohomology constructed by Ben Antieau.
Wednesday June 26, 2019 at 2:00 PM in 1227 SEO
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