Louise Hay Logic Seminar

Will Adkisson
Large Cardinals Without Choice
Abstract: In a previous talk, Cardinals Without Choice, I discussed the reaction of the Vatican to the doctrine of predestination as advocated by Calvinism. In the midst of this theological crisis, however, another far more earthly blight was afflicting the Catholic church: an obesity epidemic, which swept through the upper ranks of the clergy. In this talk, I will discuss the consequences of this widespread obesity through a number of lenses. The major health risks presented to high-ranking members of the church threatened a collapse of the Vatican's intricate political structure, as bishops and cardinals began to succumb to heart disease at abnormally high rates. Perhaps more importantly, it also presented a moral challenge to the legitimacy of the church. Overweight priests during times of famine and lean harvests provided a tangible symbol for the Protestant claims of Catholic decadence and hypocrisy, which threatened to undermine the moral leadership of the church.
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