Logic Seminar

Shaun Allison
Carnegie Mellon
Classification by TSI Polish group actions
Abstract: Two dynamical conditions for orbit equivalence relations will be introduced -- the first providing an obstruction to classification by TSI Polish groups, and the second providing an obstruction to classification by non-Archimedean TSI Polish groups. A Polish group is TSI iff it has a compatible two-sided invariant metric. Following work of Hjorth and Drucker, we mimic the Scott analysis of countable structures to understand actions of general TSI Polish groups. Answering a question of Clemens and Coskey, these methods are used to show that the $\mathbb{Z}$-jump of $E_0$ is not classifiable by TSI Polish groups. Time permitting, we will show that if $E$ is Borel-reducible to $=^+$ and also classifiable by a non-Archimedean TSI Polish group, then it is Borel-reducible to $E_\infty^\omega$. Much of this work is joint with Aristotelis Panagiotopoulos.
Tuesday September 1, 2020 at 2:00 PM in Zoom
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