Quantum Topology Seminar

Torsten Asselmeyer-Maluga
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
From 4-manifolds to operator algebras: wild embeddings and quantization
Abstract: In this talk I will describe exotic R^4 as a chain of 3d topology changes. For the class of small exotic R^4, this space can be described as the complement of a wild embedding (complement of the cone of the Whitehead continuum). Therefore wild embeddings play an important role to understand the exotic R^4. In the talk I will use noncommutative geometry in particular operator algebras to describe small exotic R^4. Here the hyperfinite factor II_1 and III_1 are central. Furthermore I will understand the appearance of these factors in a direct way by Turaev-Drinfeld quantization. Then the deformation quantization of a tame embedding is a wild embedding. From the physics point of view, there are many connections to quantum gravity.
Thursday January 28, 2021 at 1:00 PM in Zoom
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