Quantum Topology Seminar

Torsten Asselmeyer-Maluga
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
A topological interpretation of the Bilson-Thompson model: 3-braids, particles and branched covers of knot complements.
Abstract: Bilson-Thompson developed the model in 2005 to describe fermions (quarks, leptons) and gauge bosons by 3-braids. Later it was included into Loop quantum gravity (trinions etc.). In the talk I will describe this model from a 4-dimensional perspective. Starting with branched covers of 4-manifolds, we derive two representations for the fermions and for the gauge bosons. Fermions are given as hyperbolic knot complements and gauge bosons as link complements (with two components). Then we identify the gauge bosons with torus bundles with three types (cyclic, reduced, Anosov). From it we get the correct gauge group U(1)xSU(2)xSU(3). Because of the 4D picture, we get also an interesting connection to recent octonion models (Furey, Griesnigt etc.).
Thursday March 11, 2021 at 2:00 PM in Zoom
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