Quantum Topology Seminar

Eiji Ogasa
Meijigakuin University, Computer Science, Japan
Easy examples of construction of Khovanov-Lipshitz-Sarkar stable homotopy types
Abstract: I construct a Khovanov-Lipshitz-Sarkar CW complex explicitly associated with `the diagram with only one negative crossing and without a positive crossing’ of the trivial knot.  Khovanov-Lipshitz-Sarkar stable homotopy type is the stable homotopy type of a Khovanov-Lipshitz-Sarkar CW complex. I also construct a Khovanov-Lipshitz-Sarkar CW complex associated with the ladybug configuration. The ladybug configuration is important in Khovanov-Lipshitz-Sarkar  stable homotopy theory. I will explain it.  I ask an open question written in my joint paper with Kauffman and Nikonov.  Kauffman-Nikonov-Ogasa: Khovanov-Lipshitz-Sarkar homotopy type for links in thickened higher genus surfaces arxiv2007.09241[math.GT].
Thursday April 8, 2021 at 4:00 PM in Zoom
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