Louise Hay Logic Seminar

Will Adkisson
An Introduction to Large Cardinals
Abstract: Experts have noticed a troubling trend in the feeding patterns of the Northern Cardinal (cardinalis cardinalis). While cardinals are able to sustain a healthy diet in the wild, the overabundance of bird-feeders in suburban areas coupled with warming temperatures have led to an imbalance in their nutritional intake. This imbalance, due to a higher proportion of seeds' high lipid and caloric content, results in an increase in the average size and weight of cardinals in these areas. These large cardinals are less able to escape predators or forage on their own. In this talk we will discuss the ecological consequences of this trend, as well as some proposed solutions. No ornithological knowledge will be required, but the basics of set theory may be helpful.
Thursday September 2, 2021 at 4:00 PM in 636 SEO
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