Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Pang Du
Viginia Tech
Minimax Nonparametric Multi-sample Test Under Smoothing
Abstract: We consider the problem of comparing probability densities between two groups. A new probabilistic tensor product smoothing spline framework is developed to model the joint density of two variables. Under such a framework, the probability density comparison is equivalent to testing the presence/absence of interactions. We propose a penalized likelihood ratio test for such interaction testing and show that the test statistic is asymptotically chi-square distributed under the null hypothesis. Furthermore, we derive a sharp minimax testing rate based on the Bernstein width for nonparametric two-sample tests and show that our proposed test statistics is minimax optimal. In addition, a data-adaptive tuning criterion is developed to choose the penalty parameter. Simulations and real applications demonstrate that the proposed test outperforms the conventional approaches under various scenarios.
Wednesday November 10, 2021 at 4:00 PM in Zoom
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