Special Colloquium

David Ambrose
Clemson University
Free Surface Problems in Fluid Dynamics
Abstract: Fluid flows in the presence of free surfaces occur in a great many situations in nature; examples include waves on the ocean and the flow of groundwater. In this talk, I will discuss my contributions to the analysis of the systems of nonlinear partial differential equations which model such phenomena. In particular, I will discuss short-time well-posedness theorems for three particular free surface problems: vortex sheets with surface tension, water waves, and interfacial flows in porous media. Each of these problems is considered in both two and three space dimensions; some of these results are from joint work with Nader Masmoudi. The main ingredients in the proofs are a reformulation of the evolution equations using a convenient parameterization of the free surface, and approximations of singular integrals using Hilbert or Riesz transforms. With the well-posedness of the problems established for short times, many questions remain about the long-time behavior. To address one such question, I will present numerical evidence of formation of isolated curvature singularites for the two-dimensional vortex sheet with surface tension.
There will be coffee, tea and cookies in SEO 300 from 4:00 to 4:30. Stop by to meet David Ambrose
Wednesday December 5, 2007 at 3:00 PM in SEO 636
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