Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Qunfeng Dong
Loyola University Chicago
A Computational Biologist’s Bayesian Journey
Abstract: Many biomedical researchers including myself lack the formal training in Bayesian statistics, yet we have found the beauty and magic in it. In this talk, I will present three projects: (1) Bayesian modeling to estimate hospitalization risk for COVID-19 patients with comorbidities, (2) a microbiome taxonomic classification method based on Bayes theorem and bootstrapping, and (3) predicting clinical outcomes of metastatic melanoma patients based on the commensal microbiome using a Bayes’ classifier. I will also highlight the limitations of our methods, so that hopefully hardcore mathematicians/statisticians can come up with better solutions.
References: 1. Xiang Gao and Qunfeng Dong (2020) A Bayesian Framework for Estimating the Risk Ratio of Hospitalization for People with Comorbidity Infected by the SARS-CoV-2 Virus. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 28 Sept 2020, ocaa246, doi:10.1093/jamia/ocaa246 2. Xiang Gao, Huaiying Lin, Qunfeng Dong (2017); A Dirichlet-Multinomial Bayes Classifier for Disease Diagnosis with Microbial Compositions, mSphere, Volume: 2, Issue: 6. 3. Xiang Gao, Huaiying Lin, Kashi Revanna, Qunfeng Dong (2017) A Bayesian Taxonomic Classification Method for 16S rRNA Gene Sequences with Improved Species-level Accuracy. BMC Bioinformatics 2017 May 10;18(1):247.
Wednesday September 7, 2022 at 4:00 PM in 636 SEO
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