Special Colloquium

Natasa Sesum
Columbia University
The Ricci flow and precise asymptotics of a type II singularity on R^2
Abstract: Professor Sesum will discuss some convergence results for the Ricci flow on a compact manifold and describe the limiting objects that occur as time approaches infinity. She will also mention the uniqueness issues of the limit and some stability results for Ricci flat metrics *regarding the flow). In the second part of the talk, she will show you a connection between the Ricci flow on R^2 and the logarithmic porous medium equation. One can use this relation to describe precise asymptotics for the type II singularity that the flow develops at some finite time $T < \infty$.
There will be a meet and greet right after the talk in SEO 300. Coffee, tea, & cookies will be provided.
Friday January 18, 2008 at 3:00 PM in SEO 636
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