Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Hani Aldirawi
California State University- San Bernardino
Modeling Sparse Discrete Data With Application to Microbiome Data
Abstract: Sparse data with a high portion of zeros arise in various disciplines. Modeling sparse data is a challenging and growing research area. In this presentation, we provide statistical methods and tools for analyzing sparse discrete data such as microbiome data. We aim to answer three main questions related to microbiome data. 1) What is the most appropriate probabilistic model for modeling each single microbiome feature? 2) How do we build the most appropriate regression model for each feature when covariates are available? 3) Suppose we have repeated measurements for each subject (longitudinal data), how can we identify the time intervals when the two groups of individuals are significantly different?
Wednesday February 22, 2023 at 4:30 PM in 636 SEO
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