Geometry/Topology Seminar

Sara Maloni
Pleated surfaces in PSL_d(C)
Abstract: Pleated surfaces are an important tool introduced by Thurston to study hyperbolic 3-manifolds and can be described as piecewise totally geodesic surfaces, bent along a geodesic lamination. Bonahon studied this notion and described a holomorphic parametrization of these open charts of the PSL(2,C)-character variety in term of 'shear-bend cocycles'.
In this talk I will discuss joint work with Martone, Mazzoli and Zhang, where we generalize this theory to representations in PSL(d,C). In particular, I will describe the notion of d-pleated surfaces, and their holomorphic parametrization and some open questions and future directions of work.
We will have a Seminar dinner. If you're interested in joining please email David Dumas who will be organizing it.
Wednesday November 8, 2023 at 3:00 PM in 636 SEO
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