Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Moontae Lee
University of Illinois at Chicago
The Art of Generative AI
Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have transformed Natural Language Processing and the wider spectrum of Artificial Intelligence. Relying on their capability to understand extensive contexts, the groundbreaking innovation lies in tackling multiple tasks by a single formalism: generating contextually coherent and creatively diverse subsequent outputs. This talk overviews recent progress in large language modeling and my journey into the realm of generative AI. Highlighting my focuses on both text and code modalities, the talk delves into my recent research on retrieval-augmented text generation and multilingual code completions. Furthermore, the presentation outlines state-of-the-art ongoing research trajectory on planning, reasoning, aligning, and prospective steps toward self-learning. In conclusion, the talk also touches critical problems in Safety, Ethics, and Governance in Artificial Intelligence.
Wednesday February 14, 2024 at 4:00 PM in Zoom
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