Logic Seminar

Itai Ben Yaacov
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Institut Camille Jordan
Independence and mean widths
Abstract: A relation between two sets X and Y is said to be dependent if it does not shatter arbitrarily large finite subsets of X. Similarly, a function X x Y -> [0,1] is dependent if for every e > 0 it does not e-shatter arbitrarily large finite subsets of X. A characterisation of dependent functions in terms of the growth rate of the mean width of a family of associated convex compacts is essential to proving that the expectation of a random family of uniformly dependent functions is again dependent. Model theoretically, this means that the Keisler randomisation of a dependent theory is again dependent, answering a question of Pillay and allowing a more direct approach to the study of Keisler measure in (classical) dependent theories.
there shall be tea at 4pm, talk at 4:20. Some of us will go out for dinner afterwards.
Monday February 11, 2008 at 4:00 PM in SEO 427
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