Statistics and Data Science Seminar
Yufei Chen and Weiyun Zheng
Power analysis for the Zenker's diverticulum trial
Abstract: Zenker's diverticulum is a diagnosis that primarily affects individuals
in the seventh and eighth decades. The current mainstay of treatment is
surgical. Due to the advanced age of the population, many are not prime
surgical candidates and have a higher probability of sequelae from general
anesthetics. A newer method of delivery is injections that are given in
clinic under EMG guidance. This allows patients who have comorbidities
that make them poor surgical candidates the ability to receive treatments.
To see the value of the botulium toxin injections, our study will look at
the subjective symptomatic improvement noted by patients after receiving
the injections. Patients who will receive botox injections in the clinic
setting are asked to fill out a survey about their current status before
the injections and the improvements they will notice after treatment in
eating ability, normalcy of diet, and understandability of speech.
With the distribution of patients populations to each category, we
firstly use independent Z-test to get a rough total sample number with
sufficient power. Second, we use advanced model with conditional
probability transition matrix to simulate the whole process. The two
results will be compared and the advantage of the later will be discussed.
Thursday February 28, 2008 at 1:00 PM in SEO 712