Departmental Colloquium

Winnie Li
Penn State University
Noncongruence modular forms and modularity
Abstract: Unlike congruence modular forms, the arithmetic of noncongruence modular forms is not much understood, due to the lack of Hecke operators. For noncongruence forms, Atkin and Swinnerton-Dyer proposed a substitute of the familiar degree two recursive relation satisfied by congruence Hecke eigenforms by three-term congruence relations. In a certain situation, this yields very interesting congruence relations between the Fourier coefficients of congruence and noncongruence forms.
In this survey talk, we shall review the development of noncongruence forms, discuss the progress on congruence relations, as well as the unbounded denominator conjecture, which asserts that the algebraic noncongruence forms are distinguished by its Fourier coefficients having unbounded denominators. We shall see that the modularity of certain Galois representations plays an essential role.
The colloquium is one of the talks of the Midwest Number Theory Days, organized by Alina Carmen Cojocaru, Izzet Coskun, Ramin Takloo-Bighash, and Jeremy Teitelbaum. Please note the location: Lecture Center D-2.
Friday March 7, 2008 at 3:00 PM in Lecture Center D-2
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