Geometry, Topology and Dynamics Seminar

Inessa Epstein
Measurable subgroups and orbit inequivalent actions
Abstract: We consider a countable group G acting in a Borel way by measure preserving automorphisms on a standard probability space X. The orbits of this action give rise to an equivalence relation on X. We say two measure preserving actions of groups G and H on spaces X and Y, respectively, are orbit equivalent if there is a measure preserving bijection between conull subsets of X and Y identifying the orbits. The work of Hjorth, Gaboriau, Popa and Ioana has established that every group containing a copy of the free group on two generators admits continuum many orbit inequivalent actions that are free, measure preserving and ergodic. Gaboriau and Lyons, notably using a theorem of Pak and Smirnova-Nagnibeda, proved that every non-amenable group admits the free group on two generators as a measured subgroup. We discuss a result that every non-amenable group admits continuum many orbit inequivalent free, measure preserving, ergodic actions.
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