Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Wenting, Wu
UIC, Statistics
An Unified Approach for Measuring Agreement
Abstract: Assessing agreement plays an important role in assessing the acceptability of a new or generic process, methodology, and formulation in areas of laboratory performance, instrument or assay validation, method comparisons, and individual bioequivalence. An introduction of current existing methods for measuring agreement will be given. After that, an unified approach for measuring agreement of k readers each with multiple readings will be introduced. When each reader has only one reading, this mehtod degenerates into the conventional overall agreement index. When there are only two readers, it degenerates into the conventional concordance correlation coefficient (CCC). When data are ordinal, it degenerates into the weighted kappa coefficient. When data are binary, it degenerates into the kappa coefficient. The approach uses generalized estimation equations (GEE) to model various functions of variance components. Some simulation results will be presented and followed by an example.
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