Geometry, Topology and Dynamics Seminar - Fall 2010

Usually meets Wednesday at 3:00 pm in SEO 636.
August 23
(3:00 pm; SEO 612)
Steve Hurder
Organizational Meeting
August 25
(3:00 pm; SEO 612)
Uri Bader
Technion, Haifa
August 30
(3:00 pm; SEO 612)
Emily Landes
UT, Austin
Identifying the Canonical Component for the Whitehead Link
September 1
September 8
September 13
(3:00 pm; SEO 612)
Jason DeBlois
Points on hyperbolic surfaces
September 15
September 20
James Heitsch
The Lefschetz Fixed Point Theorem
September 22
September 29
October 4
Victor Kleptsyn
Institut de Recherche Mathematiques de Rennes
Group actions on the circle
October 6
October 13
October 18
Van Cyr
Northwestern University
Thermodynamic Formalism for Transient Markov Shifts
October 20
October 25
Alex Clark
University of Leicester, UK
Equicontinuous factors of foliated spaces
October 27
November 3
November 8
Darren Creutz
Normal Subgroup and Factor Theorems for Commensurators
November 10
(3:00 pm; SEO 612)
Olga Lukina
University of Leicester, UK
The Schreier continuum and ends
November 17
November 24
November 29
Ben McReynolds
University of Chicago
Interplay between manifolds and their submanifolds.
December 1
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