Statistics and Data Science Seminar - Fall 2007

Usually meets Wednesday at 4:00 pm in SEO 636.
August 29
September 5
(3:30 pm; SEO 636)
Prof. Michael Stein
University of Chicago
A Modeling Approach for Large Spatial Datasets
September 12
(3:30 pm; SEO 712)
Shi Zhao, PhD Candidate
Graeco-Latin Square Crossover Designs for Higher Order Carryover Effects
September 19
September 26
October 3
(3:30 pm; SEO 712)
Jing Wang
Polynomial Spline Confidence Bands for Curve Testing
October 10
(3:30 pm; SEO 712)
Leping YIn and Wei Zheng
Investigation on voice handicap index
October 17
(3:30 pm; SEO 712)
Dr. Mohammad F. Huque
Statistical Considerations in Planning and Testing for Multiple Endpoints in Clinical Trials
October 24
(3:30 pm; SEO 712)
Prof. Douglas G. Simpson
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Semiparametric Analysis of Heterogeneous Data Using Varying-Scale Generalized Linear Models
October 31
(3:30 pm; SEO 712)
Prof. Stephen Portnoy
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Fixed vs. Random Censoring: Is Ignorance Bliss?
November 7
(3:30 pm; SEO 712)
Dr. Kooros Mahjoob
Dealing With Missing Values in Clinical Trials From Regulatory Perspectives
November 14
(3:30 pm; SEO 712)
Michael Levine
Purdue University
Consistent long-memory parameter estimation in a LARCH time series model and its connection to the Hurst parameter of the fractional Brownian motion
November 16
(2:00 pm; SEO 712)
Yuan Xu
Statistical Investigation on High Hospital Cost of Hispanic Patients
November 21
November 28
(3:30 pm; SEO 712)
Weibiao Wu
University of Chicago
Construction of Simultaneous Confidence Bands in Time Series
December 5
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