Statistics and Data Science Seminar - Fall 2010

Usually meets Wednesday at 4:00 pm in SEO 636.
August 25
(3:00 pm; SEO 636)
Junhui Wang
Organizational meeting
September 1
September 8
(3:00 pm; SEO 636)
Lingsong Zhang
Purdue University
Sparse Distance Weighted Discrimination and the Oracle Theory
September 15
(3:00 pm; SEO 636)
Sayan Mukherjee
Duke University
A Tale of Two Manifolds
September 22
(3:00 pm; SEO 636)
Hongmei Liu
Estimating rates at which books are mis-shelved
September 29
(3:00 pm; SEO 636)
Timothy E. O'Brien
Loyola University
Curvature, Robustness and Optimal Design in Applied Generalized Nonlinear Regression Modelling
October 6
(3:00 pm; SEO 636)
Yue Yu
Dynamic Cluster-based Sliced Inverse Regression for Forecasting Microeconomics Variables
October 13
(3:00 pm; SEO 636)
Yuan Xu
Washington University at St. Louis
Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Time to Event Data with Random Changepoints
October 20
(3:00 pm; SEO 636)
Troy Hernandez
Prediction of Travel Times for CTA Buses
October 27
(3:00 pm; SEO 636)
Jun Xie
Purdue University
High dimensional classification and its application in pharmacogenomics research
November 3
(3:00 pm; SEO 636)
Hongyuan Cao
University of Chicago
On Multiple Testing and the Monotone Likelihood Ratio Condition
November 10
(3:00 pm; SEO 636)
Elizabeth Gross
Maximum Likelihood Degree for the Random Effects Mode
November 17
(3:00 pm; SEO 636)
Dibyen Majumdar
Efficient Crossover Designs under Subject Dropout
November 23
(1:30 pm; SEO 636)
Li Wang
University of Georgia
Estimation and Variable Selection for Generalized Additive Partial Linear Models
November 24
December 1
(3:00 pm; SEO 636)
Yinxiao Huang
University of Chicago
Kernel density estimation for time series: an asymptotic theory
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