Statistics and Data Science Seminar - Fall 2013

Usually meets Wednesday at 4:00 pm in SEO 636.
August 28
Statistics group
Statistics group gathering
September 4
Dr. Lawrence Lin
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
Overview of Agreement Statistics for Continuous, Binary, and Ordinal Data
September 11
Dr. Caiyan Li
Takeda pharmaceuticals
Statistical Methods for Analysis of Graph constrained Genomic data
September 18
Dr. Stefanie Biedermann
University of Southampton, UK
The optimal weights exchange algorithm – A fast and flexible method to derive optimal designs
September 25
Prof. Jian (Frank) Zou
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Detection of Disease Outbreaks with Complex Spatio-Temporal Structures Using Real Surveillance Data
October 2
Jan Hannig
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Generalized Fiducial Inference and Confidence Distributions
October 9
Ryan Martin
Asymptotically minimax empirical Bayes estimation of a sparse normal mean vector
October 16
Prof. Ching-Shui Cheng
Academia Sinica
Templates for Design Key Construction
October 23
Prof. Yaozhong Hu
University of Kansas
Malliavin calculus and convergence in density of some nonlinear Gaussian functionals
October 30
Ms. Ping Jiang
Working as a Statistician in Pharmaceutical Industry
November 6
Prof. Weixing Song
Kansas State University
Nonparametric Regression With Errors in Partial Variables
November 13
Prof. Qiongxia Song
University of Texas at Dallas
Jump detection in time series nonparametric regression models: a polynomial spline approach
November 20
Prof. Harry Crane
Rutgers University
Exchangeable Markov process models for time-varying networks
November 27
December 4
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