Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Fall 2014

Usually meets Monday at 3:00 pm in SEO 636.
August 25
September 1
No seminar
Labor Day
September 3
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Jack Huizenga
Ample divisors on moduli spaces of sheaves on the plane
September 8
September 10
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Yank\i\ Lekili
A modular compactification of $\mathcal{M}_{1,n}$ from $A_{\infty}$-structures
September 15
September 17
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Matthew Woolf
Non-rational Hypersurfaces
September 22
September 24
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Mihai Fulger
Kernels of numerical pushforwards
September 29
October 1
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Benjamin Antieau
Derived categories of abelian fibrations
October 6
October 8
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Jarek Bucynzki
Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences
Defining equations of secant varieties to high degree Veronese reembeddings
October 13
October 15
Chris Skalit
University of Chicago
Intersection Multiplicity of Serre in the Unramified Case
October 20
October 21
(4:00 pm; SEO 636)
Jun-Muk Hwang
Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS)
Cartan-Fubini type extension of holomorphic maps preserving webs of rational curves
October 22
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Alex Kuronya
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Kodaira vanishing for q-ample divisors
October 27
October 29
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Brooke Ullery
University of Michigan
Normality of Secant Varieties
November 3
November 5
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Daniel Litt
Stanford University
Non-Abelian Lefschetz Hyperplane Theorems
November 10
November 12
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Howard Nuer
Rutgers University
Towards the MMP of moduli spaces of sheaves on Enriques surfaces via Bridgeland stability
November 14
(1:00 pm; SEO 636)
Chenyang Xu
Beijing International Center of Mathematics Research
Nonexistence of asymptotical GIT compactification
November 17
November 19
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Eric Riedl
Harvard University
November 24
November 26
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
December 1
December 3
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Emanuele Macri
Ohio State University
Stability conditions on abelian threefolds
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