Departmental Colloquium - Spring 2008

Usually meets Friday at 3:00 pm in SEO 636.
January 11
Stefan Wenger
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Isoperimetric inequalities and the large scale geometry of metric spaces
January 14
Hyman Bass & Mark Thames
University of Michigan
The Role of Definitions in Teaching, Learning, and Doing Mathematics: An Example of MKT
January 15
Iana I. Anguelova
Centre de Recherches Mathematiques (CRM), Concordia University
Vertex Algebras: From Super to Quantum
January 16
Leonid V. Kovalev
Texas A&M University
Monotonicity in geometric mapping theory and functional analysis
January 17
Dan Margalit
University of Utah
Finiteness properties of Torelli groups
January 18
Natasa Sesum
Columbia University
The Ricci flow and precise asymptotics of a type II singularity on R^2
January 22
Michael Greenblatt
SUNY at Buffalo
Resolution of Singularities and Analysis
January 23
Julia Pevtsova
University of Washington
Modular Representation Theory and Cohomology: An Elementary Approach
January 24
(1:00 pm; SEO 636)
Thomas Judson
Harvard University
High School Calculus in Japan and the United States
January 24
Alexey Cheskidov
University of Chicago
On the regularity of weak solutions to the 3D Navier-Stokes equations in the largest critical space
January 25
Irina Nenciu
Courant Institute
On the Toda and Ablowitz-Ladik equations: comparing two discrete completely integrable systems
January 28
Craig Westerland
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Hurwitz Spaces and String Topology
January 29
(1:00 pm; SEO 636)
Sharon Kay Strickland
Michigan State University
The Implicit Curriculum of Mathematics Pedagogy
January 29
Junhui Wang
Columbia University
On Large Margin Hierarchical Classification
January 30
Christian Rosendal
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Descriptive Kakutani equivalence
January 31
(1:00 pm; SEO 636)
Hyung Sook Lee
University of Georgia
Multiplicative reasoning in fractional contexts: A case study of a middle school teacher
February 1
February 8
Izzet Coskun
The interpolation problem
February 12
Gloriana Gonzalez
University of Michigan
Remembering and forgetting in a geometry class: How do geometry teachers manage students' prior knowledge?
February 13
Michael Singer
North Carolina State University
February 15
February 22
February 29
March 7
(3:00 pm; Lecture Center D-2)
Winnie Li
Penn State University
Noncongruence modular forms and modularity
March 14
March 17
(2:00 pm; SEO 636)
Timothy P. Fukawa-Connelly
University of Maryland
Observed uses of examples and implications for student learning in abstract algebra
March 18
Mara V. Martinez
Tufts University
Integrating Algebra and Proof in High School: The Case of the Calendar Sequence
March 20
Bernard Deconinck
University of Washington
Cnoidal wave solutions of the KdV equation are linearly stable.
March 21
March 28
No seminar
Spring Break
April 4
April 10
Song-Ying Li
Complex Monge-Ampere Operators in Complex Analysis and Pseudo-Hermitian CR Manifolds
April 11
(3:00 pm; Lecture Center D4)
Robin Hartshorne
University of California at Berkeley
On Noether's theorem
April 18
Richard Schwartz
Brown University
Polygonal outer billiards
April 25
May 2
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