Graduate Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Spring 2015

Usually meets Monday at 4:00 pm in SEO 427.
January 12
January 19
No seminar
Martin Luther King Day
January 21
(3:00 pm; SEO 712)
Alex Stathis
Volume of Line Bundles: measuring how much space big things take up
January 26
January 28
(3:00 pm; SEO 712)
Alex Stathis
Volume of Line Bundles: piecewise polynomial in our dreams
February 2
February 4
(3:00 pm; SEO 712)
Xudong Zheng
$F$-purity of isolated log canonical singularities
February 9
February 11
(3:00 pm; SEO 712)
Tim Ryan
An Introduction to Deformation Theory: or how to formally wiggle
February 16
February 18
(3:00 pm; SEO 712)
Sam Shideler
Introduction to Local Cohomology I
February 23
February 25
(3:00 pm; SEO 712)
Janet Page
Introduction to Local Cohomology, Part 2
March 2
March 9
March 11
(3:00 pm; SEO 712)
Daniel McLaury
General Schubert Varieties and Bruhat Decomposition
March 16
March 18
(3:00 pm; SEO 712)
Tabes Bridges
Blowing Up and Blowing Down: Some Thoughts on Curves, Moduli, and Birational Geometry
March 23
No seminar
Spring Break
March 30
April 1
(3:00 pm; SEO 712)
Lei Wu
Northwestern University
Introduction to Hodge modules and some applications to algebraic geometry
April 6
April 13
April 15
(3:00 pm; SEO 712)
Shuhang Yang
An introduction to Weierstrass fibration
April 20
April 22
(3:00 pm; SEO 712)
Seckin Adali
When is a Schubert variety Gorenstein?
April 27
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