Geometry, Topology and Dynamics Seminar - Spring 2006

Usually meets Wednesday at 3:00 pm in SEO 636.
January 11
January 18
January 25
February 1
February 8
February 15
(3:00 pm; SEO 427)
Ian Agol
finiteness of arithmetic reflection groups
February 20
(3:00 pm; SEO 512)
Andrzej Bis
Lodz University and UIC
Dynamics of foliated spaces in codimension greater
February 22
March 1
(3:00 pm; SEO 427)
Alex Furman
Property (T), Popa's Cocycle Superrigidity, and Cohomology
March 6
(3:00 pm; SEO 512)
Marian Gidea
Northeastern Illinois University
Topological methods in the large gap problem of Arnold diffusion
March 8
March 13
(3:00 pm; SEO 512)
Peter Storm
Stanford University
Introduction to the methods of Besson-Courtois-Gallot, I
March 15
(3:00 pm; SEO 427)
Peter Storm
Stanford University
Introduction to the methods of Besson-Courtois-Gallot, II
March 15
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Peter Storm
Stanford University
The minimal entropy conjecture for nonuniform rank one lattices
March 20
(1:00 pm; SEO 512)
Peter Storm
Stanford University
The minimal entropy conjecture for nonuniform rank one lattices
March 20
(3:00 pm; SEO 512)
John Holt
Massey University
Torus cusps in hyperbolic 3-manifolds
March 22
No seminar
Spring Break
March 27
(3:00 pm; SEO 512)
Jeffrey Brock
Brown University
Heegaard splittings, pants decompositions, and the geometry of hyperbolic 3-manifolds.
March 29
April 3
(3:00 pm; SEO 512)
Yitwah Cheung
San Francisco State University
A criterion for unique ergodicity of a translation flow.
April 5
(3:00 pm; SEO 427)
Carlo Petronio
University of Pisa
April 10
(3:00 pm; SEO 512)
Lawrence Conlon
Washington University, St. Louis
Foliated, sutured 3-manifolds almost without holonomy
April 12
(3:00 pm; SEO 427)
Pascal Hubert
Universite de Marseilles
Complexity of polygonal and polyhedral billiards
April 19
April 24
(3:00 pm; SEO 512)
David Futer
Michigan State University
Geometry and combinatorics of arborescent link complements
April 26
May 8
(3:00 pm; SEO 512)
Chris Leininger
Title: Pseudo-Anosov dilatations and algebra
May 15
(3:00 pm; SEO 512)
Koji Fujiwara
The asymptotic dimension of a curve graph is finite
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