Statistics and Data Science Seminar - Spring 2008

Usually meets Wednesday at 4:00 pm in SEO 636.
January 16
January 23
(3:30 pm; SEO 712)
Prof. Qizhi Chen
Peking University
Estimation of vaccine efficacy and the vaccination threshold
January 29
(3:00 pm; SEO 636)
Junhui Wang
Columbia University
On Large Margin Hierarchical Classification
January 30
February 6
February 13
February 20
February 27
February 28
(1:00 pm; SEO 712)
Yufei Chen and Weiyun Zheng
Power analysis for the Zenker's diverticulum trial
March 5
(3:30 pm; SEO 712)
Dr. Cong Han
TAP Pharmaceutical Products, Inc.
Experimental Design for Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Models with Application to Studies of HIV Dynamics
March 12
(3:30 pm; SEO 712)
Prof. Fuxia Cheng
Illinois State University
Asymptotic properties in ARCH(p)-time series
March 19
(3:30 pm; SEO 712)
Prof. Chunming Zhang
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Semiparametric detection of significant activation for brain fMRI
March 26
No seminar
Spring Break
April 2
(3:30 pm; SEO 712)
Prof. Jie Liang
Department of Bioengineering, UIC
Entropy, folding, and function of biomolecules through Monte Carlo sampling
April 9
H.M. James Hung, PhD
Director, CDER, FDA
Adaptation of Clinical Trial Design
April 16
(3:30 pm; SEO 712)
Dr. Yili Pritchett
Abbott Laboratories
An Application of Path Analysis in the Design of Clinical Trials
April 23
(3:30 pm; SEO 712)
Prof. Xin Gao
York University
Parameter Estimation and Model Selection in Graphical Models
April 24
(2:15 pm; SEO 712)
Matthew J. Bourque and Xuejing Wang
Intervention Analysis in a Water Usage Study
April 30
(3:30 pm; SEO 712)
Prof. Ejaz Ahmed
University of Michigan and University of Windsor
Lasso and Shrinkage Estimation in Generalized Linear Models
May 1
(3:00 pm; SEO 636)
Prof. Yazhen Wang
National Science Foundation and University of Connecticut
Modeling and Analyzing High-Frequency Financial Data
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