Departmental Colloquium - Fall 2007

Usually meets Friday at 3:00 pm in SEO 636.
August 31
September 7
September 14
Dave Marker
Model Theory and Complex Exponentiation
September 21
September 28
October 4
Mircea Mustata
University of Michigan
Singularities: characteristic zero vs. positive characteristic
October 5
October 12
Kevin Pilgrim
Indiana University
Expanding conformal dynamics
October 15
(4:00 pm; SEO 636)
Navin Singhi
TATA Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India
Projective Planes
October 18
(3:30 pm; 1000 SEO)
Nicholas Jackiw
Chief Technology Officer, KCP Technologies
External and Internal Perspectives on Dynamic Geometry Software
October 19
(1:00 pm; 1007 W. Harrison Street, Room 2019 BSB)
Nathalie Sinclair
College of Education, Simon Fraser University
Modeling Practices with The Geometer's Sketchpad
October 26
Frank Sottile
Texas A&M University
Bounds for real solutions to structured polynomial systems
November 2
November 8
(3:30 pm; SEO 512)
Timo Ehrig
Visiting Scholar UIC
The Framing Landscapes Model - Mapping the Structure of Ambiguity Reduction at Extended Uncertainty
November 9
Joe Harris
Harvard University
Uniformity of rational points on curves
November 16
Bun Wong
University of California at Riverside
Compact complex manifolds with ample cotangent bundles
November 19
Michael Mandell
Indiana University
Algebraic K-Theory and Abstract Homotopy Theory
November 23
No seminar
November 29
(3:00 pm; SEO 512)
Timo Ehrig
UIC and Witten-Herdecke
The Framing Landscapes Model - Mapping the Structure of Ambiguity
November 30
Dorian Goldfeld
Columbia University
Multiple Dirichlet Series
December 3
(4:00 pm; SEO 636)
Johnny Guzman
University of Minnesota
Superconvergent discontinuous Galerkin methods for second-order elliptic problems
December 5
David Ambrose
Clemson University
Free Surface Problems in Fluid Dynamics
December 7
Samit Dasgupta
Harvard University
A p-adic approach to Hilbert's 12th problem
December 12
David Dumas
Brown University
Complex projective structures and applications
December 14
Seth Sullivant
Harvard University
Algebraic Statistics
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